Beginning in 2018 King Bruwaert House embarked on an ambitious expansion of the current facility. This included a new multi-family luxury apartment style Independent Living product not currently on their campus as well as an addition and modernization of the existing Health Center. SAS Architects & Planners was tasked with the master planning, development, and design of this expansion.
Along the way adjustments and changes were made to the scope and intent of the project. To ensure we met the client’s expectations we created a fly-by rendering video of what the redesigned finished product would look like on the site and for KBH to use.
We invite you to see that initial video here:
The video renderings created by SAS Architects & Planners offer a dynamic visualization of ourĀ architectural designs, allowing clients to experience spaces in a more immersive way to better understand the overall concept being developed. This sets realistic expectations by showcasing materials, lighting, spatial relationships, and landscaping making it easier to understand the final outcome.
We also leverage these video renderings for communication between ourselves, engineers & consultants, and contractors to explain the intent. The video provides a clear reference point for discussions, helping to identify areas needing coordination during the drawing process, and show the intent and goal to those constructing it on site.
Another advantage of video renderings and fly-bys is how they serve as powerful marketing tools, capturing attention with engaging visuals. A successful project is not attained just by constructing it, but by ensuring the occupants and tenants are also satisfied. This video and renderings were shared across various platforms, showcasing the yet to be constructed building to prospective tenants and leasers. By highlighting the unique features of a design, these videos significantly enhance promotional efforts and drive interest.